Bill Plant Driving School – Support & Development

8th February 2020 by Tim

The Requirement

We were asked if we would be able to offer technical support for the Bill Plant Driving School website.

Work would involve ensuring the site remained online and handling any issues that might arise, as well as undertaking any new development work needed to achieve their site goals.

The Approach

Taking on support for an established website requires extensive learning in a limited time.

We got everything set up locally and audited the site; then we were ready to go.

The Work

Once we'd acquired enough knowledge and produced detailed plans, we enhanced API integration which enabled new website features to be developed, like an online version of the lead-flow system used by their call centres.

The range of work varies from smaller updates like building new page templates for improved SEO performance, to larger, more technical implementations, like our work in developing improved integration between the website and Microsoft Dynamics.

This works in tandem with the Dynamics system used by call centre staff, enabling Bill Plant to improve their customer experience by taking online orders and relieving some of the workload on their team.

The new e-commerce system for purchasing driving lessons, passes confirmed booking to instructors and helps to streamline the booking process for consumers.

The Results

The website continues to go from strength to strength, with a happy client at the wheel.